Leslie Harrington |
When I was little, I was happy to draw horses morning, noon and night, and they were the first things that I could draw well. My terrific parents indulged my love of horses with plenty of pens and paper and Breyer horse statues. One summer on a trip to Kentucky, Dad took a chance and called Clairborne Farms to see if we could see Secretariat. Unbelievably, the farm manager said, "Yes." We had the unexpected thrill of meeting the greatest racehorse in my lifetime, a year after his retirement.
I'm an illustrator. My primary clients are notable education publishers like Scholastic Publishing, Oxford University Press, Highlights, Inc., Pearson Education, Houghton-Mifflin, and National Geographic Learning. When deadlines aren't looming-I am working on illustrating the first Clip Clop Club chapter book. Originally, the Clip Clop Club started out as an illustration self promotional project. It evolved into much more-one character became six- all with their own designs and themes...and horses. |
Christina Wilsdon |
I've loved horses ever since I was a little girl. I spent many happy hours making up adventures for my herd of plastic horses. I drew pictures of them, read about them, wrote stories about them, and even made a life-size horse out of cut-up brown paper bags and taped it to the wall. It was the closest I could be to owning a real horse.
As a teenager, I received a great gift from my parents: riding lessons for a whole year. I loved it! My favorite horses were a dapple-gray Thoroughbred named British Sterling and a hardworking chestnut named High Step. (And I fell off of a horse named Snowflake.) Now I make my living writing books about animals. One of those books is "For Horse-Crazy Girls Only." . I had fun writing it for the horse-crazy girl I remember being, for the horse-crazy girl who's my daughter, and for today's horse-crazy girls. |